Silver Lotus Holistics

Mental Health

Apart from my holistic practice, I am also a mental health advocate. I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life, having my first brush with anxiety in 2001.

After some time, I decided to sit down and write a book, detailing the toll the anxiety and panic disorder took on my life. My second book “120 greatest anxiety hacks” went on to become an amazon bestseller.

Below is my Mental Health website, and both my books.

Just click on them and you’ll be taken directly to Amazon where you can buy them and also view my website.

The My Anxiety Companion website was set up as a resource-based website, which includes information about mental illness, and most importantly useful crisis lines and other resources for people who are also struggling with mental health issues.

The book, simply entitled My Anxiety Companion is a raw and truly open and honest account of the struggles that an anxiety disorder sufferer can face.

This book was followed by the second book 120 greatest anxiety hacks, which went on to become an amazon bestseller.

Silver Lotus Holistics